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... Several tips on writing a powerful conclusion of an academic essay

       There are many definitions of a conclusion. It is considered to be a final, last part of a process, written piece or event. In academic writing, conclusion is a part if the academic paper where a writer sums up all the arguments he mentions in the main body and draws conclusions on the topic of the paper.

       The conclusion of a custom essay is always the last paragraph that is shorter than other ones but plays a very significant role in the whole content. The success of the essay depends on the conclusions for the most part as it relates to the subject of an essay and its goal is to convince the reader in the points mentioned in the text and leave room for thought.

        Every essay will remind an unfinished film without a conclusion as there is a feeling that not everything was said by the writer. It provides a very important closure to an essay and has the following features:

It sums up the key points;
It restates the main argument or thesis statement;
It may offer a piece of advice to the reader;
It should be connected with introduction;
It starts specifically and is gradually moving to general points;
It may suggest topics for a deeper study of the theme.

        It would be great if you finish your paper writing process with a quotation or a funny anecdote to summarize the content of the essay to add value to your creation.

Tips on writing essay conclusions

        To be able to provide your essay with the sense of completeness and make your conclusions impressive and persuasive, follow the following writing tips:

Close your essay by linking the initial paragraph with the final one, using predominantly one-syllable words that make an impression of an understated drama or focusing on balance if you use sentences which structure is either compound or parallel.

There are several strategies to close an essay. You can use a quote or reference to the original source as it was mentioned higher but it should be specific and suit the last word. You can also set the discussion into a more sizable content, redefine one of the main terms or considering implications of the argument.

Avoid common mistakes like:

Simple summarizing of the essay ideas;
Avoid cliche phrases that are used in oral speech;
Never offer new ideas in the conclusion;
Resist the desire to admit that the research was not too detailed not to undercut the authority.

4. Always ask yourself “So what?” and offer explanation to your readers. If you state some fact it should be supported with evidence to sound convincing.

5. Follow this conclusion outline:

Rephrasing of the thesis in the topic sentence;
Making a summary of the ideas listed in the main body and showing their relation to each other;

Finishing with a closing sentence the goal of which is providing a sense of closure.

6. Be short and specific. Avoid repetitions and senseless words as readers desire to get a message and avoid wasting their time.

7. Opt for authoritative style. Though it may sound strange but it is a proven fact that authoritative tone in writing is more persuasive. Use right words, rely on evidence, offer citations, believe in your writing talent - do everything not to make readers doubt.

8. Pay as much attention to the last sentence as possible. It must be both elegant and provocative. You can try some ironic statements, appeal to the emotions of the reader and even include a call-to-action if your topic allows doing that.

        Conclusion is a very important part of every essay and it is of utmost importance to end your piece of writing professionally and creatively as it produces the greatest impression on the reader and is the most memorable part of the text.