A Boston cab driver is being praised by the city's police department for turning over a backpack full of cash left in his backseat.   A driver for the Independent Taxi Operators Association – identified as Raymond "Buzzy" MacCausland – found a backpack in the rear of his taxi after dropping off a fare, according to the Boston Police Department. 

While looking for identification in the bag, the driver, 72, found approximately $187,000 in wads of cash, police confirmed.  The driver immediately turned the property over to police headquarters, where the owner eventually arrived to identify his bag and its contents. 

The honest driver said he did receive a $100 reward from the passenger, but if left him to feel a little disappointed. 

MacCausland, who has driven a cab for 50 years, told the Globe, "That money would have changed my life. I thought maybe he would give $500 or $1,000, maybe one of those bundles," the driver told the New York Daily News.