Kendall Jenner has made her new year resolution - to relax while being busy. This is coming after the Victoria Secret model was hospitalised over exhaustion. She explained her plan for 2016 on Website.

"I'm not big on New Year's resolutions. I don't write a list down or anything, it's definitely more of an in-my-head kind of thing.

"I set random goals like 'find a boyfriend' but it's not legit at all, lol.

"I just got so tired from work and life and everything that it freaked me out at the end of this year," she added. "I actually had to go to the hospital because I was so exhausted – it was definitely a wake up call that I need to take better care of myself."

"So, I guess my resolution would be to chill out more and have the ability to be a little more spontaneous. I want to enjoy being home a little bit more. No matter what, 2016 is going to be the best yet. I can feel it!"