Ex-MBGN/rapper, Muna Abii is inspiring her fans this morning. She broke down what stalling is all about and how to overcome it. She summed it up with the popular sentence, "I am going to do it!", and said it means being in a journey to the land of ‘Do it’. Then, how do you break this journey. Listen to her…

"I am going to do it! If u look deeper into those words, it means that I am, on the journey, to a land called Do it. But "Do it" is not land, but also a journey, a process. Looking at IT this way, IT feels really long and exhausting.

"So how about I say, I AM IT! Skip all the journey to take a journey and just BECOME IT. & what is IT? "IT" is simply THE JOURNEY. I AM THE JOURNEY. Sounds pretty clear now yes? Now all you and I have to do is CHOOSE what JOURNEY WE ARE," she said.