Anti-gay countries of Anglican Church have warned that unless the American and European communion of the church that favours homosexuality renounce such doctrine, the Anglican Communion may likely disintegrate globally. Different communion of the Anglican church may separate if they insist on imposing homosexuality on the church.
That was the outcome of the second Global Anglican Future Conference, GAFCON, that ended Friday in Nairobi, Kenya where a total of 1,358 delegates including 331 Bishops representing millions of Anglicans faithful across the world, including Nigeria, attended.

According to Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Chukwuma, the GAFCON started in 2008 as a revolt against the Lambe conference on this same sex marriage and they are trying to build up our faith to make it known to the whole world on the authority of the bible and they believe that face the faith together for the better of Anglicans.

“We are standing seriously on the authority of the bible to defend our faith. There is no going back as we are not going to compromise. We made it known even to the Bishop of Cantabury and to the whole Europe that there is no compromise as far as the scripture is concerned. We can all go to our tents and we are ready to stand on our own and on the authority of the scripture for the future of Anglican.

“Yes, we will secede because if you look at Ephisians chapter 5 verse 5 we don’t have anything to do with those who are already becoming disobedient. So, why should we joke with unbelievers. We love them but we hate their sins, if they don’t repent, they go their way, we go our way.” The clergyman insisted